Healthy Living
‘Engaging communities and collaborating with partner organizations to improve accessibility to healthy, active environments, and chronic disease education.’
Community Health aims to lower the incidence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure) in the Weber-Morgan District through work with, and on behalf of the community. To sign up for classes or for additional information, please email HEAL@webercountyutah.gov.
Community Work
Email a Community Health Worker at CHW@webercountyutah.gov
– Prediabetes 101*: One-time presentation-style class designed to teach diabetes prevention to those experiencing prediabetes, or those at risk of developing diabetes.
Community Health offers and/or supports a variety of programs and resources for those living with, or at risk of developing chronic diseases.
– Living Well with Chronic Conditions*: A 6 week program for people with chronic health problems that addresses common symptoms and worries for majors aspects of living with chronic disease. This program includes discussion of mental health.
– Living Well with Diabetes*: A 6 week program for people living with diabetes that addresses common symptoms and worries of living with this condition. This program includes discussion of mental health.
– Living Well with Chronic Pain*: A 6 week program for people living with chronic pain that addresses common symptoms and worries of living with this condition. This program includes discussion of mental health.
– National Diabetes Prevention Program: Year-long education program for those at risk of developing diabetes that addresses lifestyle change such as diet change and weight loss. Resources are available to link community members with local or online classes.
– Diabetes Self-Management Education: Education program for those living with diabetes. Resources are available to help community members on how to approach their primary care provider about obtaining a referral, and link community members with local or online classes.
– Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring: Program for those living with hypertension (high blood pressure) to monitor their own blood pressure in partnership with guidance from their primary care provider. Resources are available to connect patients with blood pressure cuff lending libraries, and how to approach primary care providers about blood pressure management.
– Produce Rx: Program that offers free vouchers for produce to qualifying community members in need. Resources are available to connect community members to this service. *this program has income requirements.
For more information on classes and resources for chronic conditions, please contact the Healthy Environments, Active Living team at HEAL@webercountyutah.gov or 801-399-7197.
*classes offered in English and Spanish
Work with Healthcare Providers and Pharmacies
Community Health works extensively with local healthcare clinics and pharmacies to help them support their patients with chronic conditions and provide them with appropriate resources where necessary. Our clinic partners have worked on quality improvement projects, data analysis, and implementation of new programming to strengthen their support of their patients living with or at risk of chronic conditions. In addition, we offer Medication Therapy Management guidance to pharmacies. For more information on support with quality improvement and/or program guidance, please contact the Healthy Environments, Active Living team at HEAL@webercountyutah.gov or 801-399-7197.
Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Breastfeeding:
Community Health supports initiatives surrounding physical activity, nutrition, and breastfeeding friendly spaces within community venues and workplaces, including schools, and early childcare facilities.
– TOP Star Child Care: The Teaching Obesity Prevention in Early Child Care (TOP Star) program help’s childcare providers improve nutrition and physical activity environments. TOP Star endorsed facilities create opportunities for children to learn about healthy eating habits, to actively play together both indoors and out, and to engage in less screen time. TOP Star providers also support the parent and baby breastfeeding journey. These practices help establish long lasting habits in children, lowering the risk of developing chronic health conditions throughout the lifetime.
– TOP Star Endorsement (for providers): Endorsement is valid for three years. Providers can promote/market their achievements in physical activity and nutrition to parents on the Utah Department of Health and Human Services website. After three years, endorsed childcare providers are encouraged to reapply for endorsement, which involves completing a new self-assessment. For endorsement form and support, please contact HEAL@webercountyutah.gov or 801-399-7284.
– Breastfeeding Recommendations and Advantages:
- Exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months (with no other foods or artificial baby formulas);
- Continued breastfeeding with other foods added until at least 1 year, and thereafter as long as mutually desired by the mother and child;
- Protects the health of babies and mothers by preventing acute and chronic diseases and conditions, including obesity and SIDS;
- Builds a strong emotional bond between mothers and infants;
- Saves money – a breastfeeding family will save on average $550 in health care costs and $1400 in infant formula costs during the first year;
– Breastfeeding and Working: Many parents do not achieve their breastfeeding goals because they are separated from their child when they return to work. The Affordable Care Act requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for breastfeeding parents, including reasonable break time and a clean private space to feed their infant or to express milk.
TOP Star endorsed childcare providers are ready to support breastfeeding goals. TOP Star endorsed facilities often exceed the requirements set by federal law by offering additional accommodations, support, and improved environments.
– Worksite Wellness: Focusing on employee wellness can improve productivity, help retain employees, and lower healthcare costs. For example, employees who smoke cost their employers $3,391 more per year.
The Community Health division can aid your organization in improving employee wellness by offering easy and free resources and support in: Tobacco Cessation, Tobacco-Free Policy, Chronic Disease Prevention & Management, Breastfeeding Policy, Physical Activity and Nutrition, Community Partner Connections, and Suicide Prevention.

Scan the QR code or go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/wmhdworksites to request more worksites information or contact HEAL@webercountyutah.gov / 801-399-7284.
– Active Transportation: Community Health focuses on Active Transportation for Physical Activity because not everyone has the ability or desire to go to a gym, or spend time outdoors for recreation. Supporting physical activity routes within our community that are safe, and efficient, help more people become physically active. Our vision is to ensure everyone has the opportunity to make healthy choices when traveling to everyday destinations like school, and work. We develop resources, and tools that can help communities develop into places where people want to walk, bike, or roll.