Our mission is to provide official, raised seal, Birth, Death, Marriage, and Divorce Certificates for all legal purposes including passports.
Injury Prevention, Suicide Awareness and Prevention, Opioid Awareness and Prevention, Teen Health, Healthy Environments and Active Living, Governing Youth Council, Tobacco Prevention and Control, Health Equity and Community Health Worker Team. 19 employees.
A federally funded nutrition education and supplemental food program for pregnant women and children age 5 and younger. 13 employees including registered dieticians, nutrition counselors and certified breastfeeding educators and peer counselors.
Baby Your Baby, Immunizations, Cancer Screening, Sexually Transmitted Diseases/HIV, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, Immigration, Prenatal to 5, Child Health Evaluations, Targeted Case Management, COVID Monitoring. 19 employees.
More than 40 programs including Food Protection, Housing Complaints, Septic Systems, Vehicle Emissions, Environmental Hazards Response, Mass Gatherings, Water Quality and Drinking Water. 20 employees.
Emergency Services staff strive to strengthen the communities’ ability to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from adverse public health threats and catastrophic events. We are continuously working on developing effective operational plans which we use to guide our preparedness and response activities. Another vital function of our program is to develop partnerships with local response agencies, hospitals, and other health organizations. Working together as a group helps us approach preparedness as a whole community and learn how to reduce the impact of emergency events in our lives.