Injury Prevention & Safety Classes
Tai Chi for Health
Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for Health programs are proven to help improve balance, flexibility, and posture. These programs are proven to reduce the risk of falls by 70%.
Each class begins with gentle Qigong warm ups and breathing exercises, followed by Tai Chi movements (forms) each week. No special equipment is required — just comfortable clothing, shoes, patience and an open mind.
Meeting times per week can vary.
Stepping On – Fall Prevention
A 7-week program proven to help older adults improve confidence to reduce the risk of falls by 31%.
Participants learn:
- simple and fun strength and balance exercises
- the role vision plays in keeping your balance
- how medications can contribute to falls
- ways to stay safe when out and about in the community
- what to look for in safe footwear
- how to check their home for safety hazards
The program is for older adults who:
- are at risk of falling
- have a fear of falling, or
- have fallen one or more times
The program is suited for older adults who:
- live independently
- are able to walk unassisted
- do not use a walker, scooter or wheel chairs most of the time indoors
- are cognitively intact
- understand the language used by the Stepping On leader
1x week for a period of 7 weeks – 7 sessions at 2 hour each
Zero Fatalities – Parent/Teen Night
Teaching a teen to drive may be frightening, but it’s not as scary as what could happen if you’re not involved in your teen’s driving. Come join us for the upcoming Driver’s Education Parent-Teen Presentation to help your teen learn and exhibit safe behaviors.
Zero Fatalities hosts Parent/Teen Driving Presentations both virtually and in-person at local High Schools. These Zero Fatalities presentations discuss the responsibility each driver has on the road. They focus on the 5 driving behaviors: Drive Focused, Drive Calm, Drive Sober, Drive Alert and Drive Buckled. We encourage parents to be involved with their teens and set clear expectations and limits.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn about the Utah Graduated Driver Licensing Laws and tips on teaching your teen to drive safely.
Visit zerofatalities.com to sign up for a class or find a High School near you.
Internet Safety Nights
Join us for our upcoming Social Media/Internet Safety nights, featuring presentations by the Weber County Sheriff’s Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Investigators. These informative sessions empower parents and teens with the knowledge needed to navigate the online world safely, including strategies to prevent exploitation, sextortion, and encountering predators on social media and apps. We strongly encourage open discussions between teens and parents to proactively address these concerns.
Join us to expand your awareness and make well-informed decisions concerning social media and its impact on our teenagers.